What Should You Include in Your Bakery’s Website?
Are you an online bakery looking to launch your own website? Or an in-store bakery looking to join the online world of food services? Be sure to keep reading to find out exactly what you need to include in your bakery’s website for guaranteed business success! Menu Chances are, people will be visiting your bakery’s website to have a look at your menu. As such, you need to make sure that your menu is easy to find on your website, while also being aesthetic and pleasing to the eye. You can include your menu either on your home page or on a separate page on your website, reachable by a click on your website’s navigation system. Make sure that your menu is easy to read in its online form, and also provide a PDF downloadable option in case your customers want to save a copy for ordering in their own time. Ordering Options Your bakery’s website is not complete without including several ordering options for your online customers. Make sure your website has correctly coded payment screens, and...